Apa Reference For Revised Edition

APA requires the Reference list to be formatted with a hanging indent. This means that the first line of each item in the list will be set to the left margin and subsequent lines will be indented (half an inch, or five to seven spaces). In-text Brief information about the source of your ideas. Parenthetical Citation Example (Gilbert et al., 2014) Narrative Citation Example. More Information. For more information about author format, see Section 9.8 on page 286 of the APA Manual, 7th edition.

  1. Apa Citation Updated Edition
  2. Apa Reference For Revised Edition Pdf
  3. How To Cite A Revised Edition In Apa

This guide is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. It provides selected citation examples for common types of sources. For more detailed information consult directly a print copy of the style manual.

Keep track of your document references/citations and format your reference lists easily with Citation management software.

Refer to APA's Conference presentation references or consult the guide directly (Section 10.5, textual works, pp. 332-333).

Presenter, A. A., & Presenter, B. B. (Year, Month day range). Title of contribution [Type of contribution]. Conference name, Location. DOI or URL

Reference list example

Fairey, E. & McKenzie, J. (2012, May 30—June 2). 'If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”: Simon Fraser University Library’s liaison librarian service review [Presentation]. CLA 2012 National Conference and Trade Show, Ottawa, ON.

Bodnar, M. (2016, May 30—June 2). Problems as possibilities: A Topic Generation Portal to help instructors efficiently draft assignment topics [Poster presentation]. WILU 2016 Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Reference in text example

(Bodnar, 2016)

(Fairey & McKenzie, 2012)


  • Include a description of the presentation in square brackets [ ] after title (e.g., [Conference session], [Paper presentation], [Poster presentation], [Keynote address]).
  • If video available, include link at the end of the reference.
  • Check out how to format reverse italics as seen in the Bodnar poster presentation example above.
  • If only Citing the abstract of a conference presentation, include 'abstract' as part of description.
  • Refer to How to create an APA Style reference for a cancelled conference presentation.

Refer to APA's Conference proceedings references or consult the guide (Section 10.5, textual works, p.332).

Published conference proceedings may be cited either like chapters in edited books (first example) or like journal articles (second example). This will depend on whether the publication is treated as a series (e.g. has an ISBN and an editor) or as a periodical (i.e. it is published annually).

Reference list example

Iyengar, S. S., & DeVoe, S. E. (2003). Rethinking the value of choice: Considering cultural mediators of intrinsic motivation. In R. Dienstbier (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 49. Cross-cultural differences in perspectives on the self (pp. 129-174). University of Nebraska Press.

Shennan, S. (2008). Canoes and cultural evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 3416-3420. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0800666105

Reference in text example

Apa Reference For Revised Edition

Apa Citation Updated Edition

(Iyengar & DeVoe, 2003)

(Shennan, 2008)


  • Capitalize the name of the symposium, conference or meeting (Chapter 6, Capitalization, p. 165).
Apa reference for revised edition free

Reference of this type of document uses the works that are part of a greater whole format, that is, like a chapter in an edited book or an article in a journal.

Consult example 63 in the guide (Section 10.5, textual works, p. 333).

Contributor, A. A., & Contributor, B. B. (Year, Month, date range). Title of contribution. In C. C. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium [Symposium]. Conference name, Location. DOI or URL

Reference list example

Lane, J. (2013, May 13—15). Teaching as the class clown: What clowning can bring to the classroom and the lecture hall. In C. Kurbis (Chair), Embracing Change at SFU [Symposium]. 13th Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Burnaby, BC, Canada.

Reference in text example

(Lane, 2013)


  • If video available, include link at the end of the reference.

We have updated our APA citation guide to APA 7.

Looking for APA 6? See 'Still using the 6th edition of the APA Style Guide?' in General notes & additional sources.

APA Citations: Government & Legal References

Court Decisions

Reference Format:

Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).

Example Reference Entry:

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Example In-Text Citation:

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in schools unconstitutional.

Note: Italicize the case name when it appears in the text of your paper.

Apa Reference For Revised Edition Pdf


A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or country. Typically, statutes command or prohibit something, or declare policy. The word is often used to distinguish law made by legislative bodies from case law, decided by courts, and regulations issued by government agencies. Statutes are sometimes referred to as legislation or 'black letter law.'

Reference Format:

Name of Act, Volume Source § section number (year).

Example Reference Entry for a Federal Statute:

Apa reference for revised edition

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 (2004).

Note: The § symbol stands for 'section.' To find this symbol in MS Word, go to 'Insert' and click on Symbol.' Look in the 'Latin 1-Supplement' subset.

Note: U.S.C. stands for 'United States Code.

Example Reference Entry for a State Statute:

Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, Minn. Stat. §§ 148-171-285 (2010).

Note: Use the § symbol twice to indicate a range of sections.

Note: List the chapter first followed by the section or range of sections.

Example In-Text Citation:

Minnesota nurses must maintain current registration in order to practice (Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, 2010).

Statutes (cont’d)

In-Text Citation:

Basic Form:

Name of Act (Year)

Name of Act of Year

Apa Reference For Revised Edition


The National Environmental Policy Act (1969) established the Council on Environmental


The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 established the Council on Environmental Quality.

Unenacted Bills and Resolutions

(Those that did not pass and become law)

Reference Format:

Title [if there is one], bill or resolution number, xxx Cong. (year).

Example Reference Entry for Senate Bill:

Anti-Phishing Act, S. 472, 109th Cong. (2005).

Example Reference Entry for House of Representatives Resolution:

Anti-Phishing Act, H.R. 1099, 109th Cong. (2005)

Example In-Text Citation:

The Anti-Phishing Act (2005) proposed up to 5 years prison time for people running Internet scams.

State & U.S. Constitutions

How To Cite A Revised Edition In Apa

Reference Format:

Basic form:

Abbreviated name of Constitution pt. Part number (if any), art. Article number in Roman numerals. § Section number.

Abbreviated name of Constitution pt. Part number (if any), amend.

Amendment number in Roman numerals, § Section number.


Mass. Const. pt. 1, art. XV.

U.S. Const., amend. XIV, § 1.

State & U.S. Constitutions (cont’d)

In-Text Citation:

Basic Form:

Identical to reference list entry, using parentheses as needed.


Freedom of assembly is guaranteed by Mass. Const. pt. 1, art. XV.

Equal protection of the law is a constitutional right (U.S. Const. art. XIV, § 1).

Part of Organization Website

No Author

Example Reference Entry:

Sierra Club. (2010, May 12). Kerry, Lieberman unveil energy and climate draft. Retrieved

from http://action.sierraclub.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=177341.0

Apa Reference For Revised Edition

Example In-Text Citation:

(Sierra Club, 2010)


Example Reference Entry:

Pope, C. (2010, May 17). What do Americans really believe? [Web log post]. Retrieved

from http://sierraclub.typepad.com/carlpope/2010/05/what-do-americans-


Example In-Text Citation:

(Pope, 2010)

Government Agency

Example Reference Entry:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. (2000, August). An environmental management system review of the National Park Service: Based on the code of environmental management principles. (EPA-3000-R-00-006). Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/ compliance/resources/publications/incentives/ems/emsnps.pdf

Example In-Text Citation:

(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000)

For More Information

http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/886.htm http://legacy.lib.westfield.ma.edu/legalapa.htm

http://www.unk.edu/uploadedFiles/academics/library/gov_doc/about/Citing%20Government%20Documents%20- %20APA%20Style%202010.pdf http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/02/writing-references-for-federal-statutes.html http://cooklibrary.towson.edu/helpguides/guides/APA_govLegal.pdf