Discord Bot Oauth Key Generator

  • What are oAuth Tokens for?

They are mostly used to connect your chat bot or script to Twitch. Simply said you give them permissions to do whatever they’re supposed to.

That can be sending messages, updating stream title, game, status or reading various infos out of your Twitch account.

  • What happens if I lose my token?

Log in to your Discord account, and click on the small “gear” icon near your username on the bottom left. On the next page click on the blue button that reads “Enable Two-Factor Auth” A pop-up window will appear for you to scan the QR Code with your Authy app. Keep this window open as you reach for your phone. Add Your Bot to a Discord Server In order to add your bot to your Discord Server, you’ll need to navigate back to the “OAuth2” tab. Once there, scroll down to the “Oauth2 URL Generator” section. In the “Scopes” section, you’ll want to select the “bot” checkbox.

Nothing, simply generate a new one.

Discord Bot Oauth Key Generator Free

  • What permissions does this token has?

Channel Editor: Write channel metadata (game, status, etc).
Channel Read: Read nonpublic channel information, including email address and stream key.
Channel stream: Reset a channel’s stream key.
Channel subscriptions: Read all subscribers to your channel.
Chat Login: Log into chat and send messages.
For a full overview of the permissions which exist: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication#scopes

Discord Bot that handles authentication using a product key like system to assign specific roles to a user. dzt/discord-keybot.

Integrate your service with Discord — whether it's a bot or a game or whatever your wildest imagination can come up with. Add Your Bot to a Discord Server In order to add your bot to your Discord Server, you’ll need to navigate back to the “OAuth2” tab. Once there, scroll down to the “Oauth2 URL Generator” section. In the “Scopes” section, you’ll want to select the “bot” checkbox.

Discord Bot Oauth Key Generator

  • Do you save the tokens somewhere?

Discord Bot Oauth Key Generator Download


No. You should also never share your token with anyone so they can’t get access to your account.