As1100 Drawing Standards Free


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Technical drawing standards - AS 1100

posted 5 Sept 2013, 20:06 by [ updated 5 Sept 2013, 20:11]

All technical drawings must be drawn to a common standard so that all people in Australia and overseas can understand them. This standard is called Australian Standard 1100 (AS1100)
Technical drawings are based on a set of standards that have been globally agreed upon by

The Australian Standard AS 1100 provides the technical conventions for all Australian engineers,
architects, designers, surveyors and pattern makers to follow.


There are a number of different lines that you will be required to use in Technical Drawing. The table below shows you the different lines, describes where they are used and give you an example of each line.

  • Notes Amdt 1/1994/07-11.Supersedes AS1100.201- 1984 In Archives NOT FOR LOAN.
  • The drawing on the left is done to the Australian Standard AS1100.101-1992 so it can be interpreted consistently in any country. Australian Standard AS 1100.101-1992 sets out the basic principles of technical drawing practice. The Australian Standard specifies: the use of abbreviations; materials, sizes, and layout of drawing sheets.
  • AS 1100 is an Australian Standard for technical drawing including both mechanical and architectural designs. AS 1100 standard drawings contain attributes that are universal around Australia. The standard is published by Standards Australia. The standard consists of six parts.

Type of Line: Use of line in Technical Drawing:Example of lines:
Type A - Continuous, Thick Visible outlines of the drawing.
Type B - Continuous, Thin Dimension and projection lines, leaders.
Hatching on sections.
Type C - Continuous, Thin (freehand) Break in the object .
Type D - Continuous, Thin (ruled with zig-zag) Break in the object (Straight)
Type E - Dashed, Thick Hidden edges.
Type G - Chain, Thin Center Lines of circles, arcs and center of objects.
Type H - Chain, Thick at each end and thin in the middle. Cutting plane in sectioning of objects.


Other Standards. NOTE: All drawings in this Standard are drawn in third angle projection unless otherwise stated. See Clause 6.3.3. 1.2 APPLICATION The basic principles given in this Standard are intended for adoption in the fields of engineering, architecture, surveying, drafting technology, and education in the preparation and interpretation.

Where two or more lines of different type coincide, the following order of priority should be observed:

(a) Visible outlines and edges.

(b) Hidden outlines and edges.

(c) Cutting planes.

(d) Centre-lines.

(e) Projection lines.


Selection of views shall be selected according to the following principles:

(a) To reduce the number of views required to fully delineate the information to be specified.

(b) To avoid the need for hidden outlines.

(c) To avoid unnecessary repetition of detail.

Sectioned views:

Sectioning is used to show internal detail or to reduce the use of hidden detail lines that may make the object difficult to recognise. All hidden outlines in the section should be omitted except in special cases.

These types of drawings are Orthogonal's with imaginary lines cutting the object into parts.

Each sectional view or section shall be identified with its appropriate cutting plane, where identified, by inscribing a subtitle below the view or section; e.g. ‘SECTION A-A’, ‘SECTION B-B’.

As1100 Drawing Standards Free Online

Cutting planes are to shown using a 'Type H' line with the direction of viewing show by an arrowhead and a letter placed at the tail of the arrow. The cutting plane should pass through the main part of the object.


The cut part of the object is to be shown using with a hatched line (usually at 45°, unless this would make the object more difficult to understand). Where two or more adjacent parts have been sectioned the hatch line should be at different angles.

Angle of Hatching

Sectioning of Adjacent components
As1100 drawing standards free pdf
Where an object is symmetrical a part section can be used to assist in the clarity of the drawing.

If the object has a web support and the section plane passes along this then the web is not sectioned, although if the section plan passes through it then the web is sectioned (See image below).
Note: In section A-A passes along the web and therefore is not hatched in the side view, although in section B-B the plane passes thought the web and is shown in the bottom view.


As1100 drawing standards free online

Break maybe used to shorten lone objects and will use Type C or Type D lines.



The following symbols are to be used in dimensioning:

Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

Symbol: Use:
Diameter symbol, this is used to indicate the diameter of a circle.
R Radius Symbol, this is used to indicate the radius of a circle or arc.
This symbol is used to refer to the object being identified is square and the same size across all surfaces.

Dimensioning, Projection and Leader Lines:

Objects that are drawn in Graphics often need to have dimensions showing the size and angles used to show detail about the component. Dimensions show the length and angle of items and the drawing should include only the measurements require to describe the object.

Projection lines are lines that extend from the object and extend outside the outline of the drawing where possible. These lines should start and extend past the dimension line.

A-s1100 Drawing Standards Free Download