Kanji List

1.38MB. 0 audio & 0 images. Updated 2017-04-04.

Find any Japanese kanji in seconds Kanji is a form of the Japanese writing taken from the Chinese characters. Each kanji represents an idea, such as an object, thing or quality. There are more than 50,000 characters, but only 2,136 are considered Jōyō kanji (commonly used kanji) and taught at school. Japanese dictionaries list around 10,000 kanji. The Japanese government limited the kanji used in official publications to the 1945 touyou kanji with about 4000 readings. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is based on these 1945 touyou kanji. A Japanese with average education knows around 3000 kanji and it is estimated that.


Sample (from 3787 notes)

Cards are customizable! When this deck is imported into the desktop program, cards will appear as the deck author has made them. If you'd like to customize what appears on the front and back of a card, you can do so by clicking the Edit button, and then clicking the Cards button.
Englishford, ferry, port
Examples交渉(こうしょう): (1) negotiations; discussions (2) connection干渉(かんしょう): interference; intervention; meddling
JLPT Level1
Jouyou GradeS
Components水: water歩: walk; counter for steps
Number of Strokes11
Kanji Radical
Radical Number85
Radical Strokes4
Radical Readingみず・したみず・さんずい
Traditional Form
Classification会意 Compound Ideographic
Koohii Story 1The new Ford Jesus. It can do everything except WALK on WATER.
Koohii Story 2A ford is a place where one can walk through the water, a place only a few footsteps deep.
TagsJLPT.N1 gradeS kanjifreq251-500
Kanji list pdf
Englishdeliver, reach, arrive, report, notify, forward
Examples届け(とどけ): report; notification; registration届く(とどく): (1) to reach; to arrive; to get through; to get at (2) to be attentive; to pay attention (3) to be delivered; to carry (e.g. sound)届ける(とどける): (1) to deliver; to forward; to send (2) to report; to notify; to file notice (to the authorities); to give notice; to register
JLPT Level2
Jouyou Grade6
Components尸: corpse; remains; flag radical (no. 44)由: wherefore; a reason
Number of Strokes8
Kanji Radical
Radical Number44
Radical Strokes3
Radical Readingしかばね・かばね・かばねだれ
Traditional Form
Classification会意 Compound Ideographic
Koohii Story 1In the US, when the mail is delivered, a flag sprouts up on your mailbox. (We don´t have that in Australia.).
Koohii Story 2A Japanese man ordered some Brussel sprouts from Belgium. They are delivered with a little Belgian flag (as seen sometimes in shops, little flags indicating the provenance and authenticity of the food like cheese and meat).
TagsJLPT.N2 grade6 kanjifreq751-1000
Englishswell, get fat, thick
Examples膨脹(ぼうちょう): expansion; swelling; increase; growth膨大(ぼうだい): huge; bulky; enormous; extensive; swelling; expansion膨れる(ふくれる): (1) to swell (out); to expand; to be inflated; to distend; to bulge (2) to get cross; to get sulky; to pout膨らむ(ふくらむ): to expand; to swell (out); to get big; to become inflated膨らます(ふくらます): to swell; to expand; to inflate; to bulge
JLPT Level1
Jouyou GradeS
Components肉: meat彭: swelling; sound of drum
Number of Strokes16
Kanji Radical
Radical Number130
Radical Strokes6
Radical Readingにく・にくづき
Traditional Form(none)
Classification形声 Phonetic
Koohii Story 1This kanji does not mean swell as in a inflammation. There is a different kanji for that meaning (腫れる). This kanji means swell as in, a tire swelling/expanding, your income swelling/expanding, dough swelling/expanding, etc. Johnskb's story is best b/c it does not involve swelling in the sense of inflammation, just general expansion of the stomach. STORY: 'If a PART OF your BODY begins to SWELL/EXPAND and resembles the SHAPE of a bass DRUM, you’re either pregnant or in desperate need of a diet.'.
Koohii Story 2Which part of your body can change shape and, when it does, swells up and throbs like a drumb? Hmmm...
TagsJLPT.N1 gradeS kanjifreq1001-1500

After the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open it in the desktop program.

At this time, it is not possible to add shared decks directly to your AnkiWeb account - they need to be added from the desktop then synchronized to AnkiWeb.


on 1616532796
on 1615727912
Great deck
on 1615373057
Overall the deck is really nice, but there are some annoying formatting inconsistencies, for example sometimes you used coma with spacebar and the other times you used Japanese full width coma.
And kanji near the end of the list have kun'yomi listed as on'yomi.
on 1613062399
on 1612847080
Extremely useful deck :)
on 1612449665
on 1611084965
it has a lot of kanji
on 1610744691
on 1610557266
The best premade kanji deck you'll ever find for anki.
on 1609990073
on 1602919997
on 1599723424
Would it be possible to improve the kunyomi and onyomi fields? Many of the readings are redundant. For example, the card for 玉 lists three kunyomi: たま、たま-、and -だま. This should just be one kunyomi, たま. It should not include rendaku readings, and certainly shouldn't include whatever the hyphens are trying to communicate. Often it includes a bunch of variations showing possible okurigana. This is not useful.
Ultimately what I would like to do is make a new card type that shows me the kanji and asks for common kunyomi and/or onyomi. As it stands, the bloat in these fields makes this too inefficient. I considered memorizing only the first reading (of each kunyomi and onyomi), but I am not confident that there is any sense to the order of the readings. Is there? Right now, I am using the deck only to memorize the keywords of each kanji, but I would like to use it for readings as well.
It's a great deck, I am halfway through the 7065 cards. I particularly like the way the stroke order diagrams are implemented using a font. Having two different printed examples of the kanji (one in a standard computer font, and one in the 'written' style font) is super helpful for both recognition and writing. A few times now, my devices have updated whatever Japanese font they're using, changing some of the kanji quite a lot. It's nice to have the stroke order font almost as a backup. This deck is also tagged and formatted nicely, in case you want to take advantage of that. I was using this to order my learning, but honestly the default deck order is very sensible and I should have trusted that from the start.
Kanji List on 1596435648
on 1595192734
yo thanks for the hard work do you happen to have the order list you used for highschool kanji?
on 1595005133
There's no recall tag to delete the recall cards and who the fuck needs recall cards? It's not like you're gonna picture in your mind all the radicals. Dumbass.
on 1594578717
I appreciate the effort that went into this, but the recurring instances of gross, racist, and generally cringe mnemonics is really off-putting.
on 1594182572
on 1593044599
on 1592140765
on 1591250585
Thanks so much for all the work you put in, this is really helpful preparation resource.
on 1590798965
This is comprehensive information to learn Kanji
on 1590296152
on 1590079739
I admire you to have taken so much time to do this ! Thank you !
on 1588688205
This is by far the best Kanji deck I've encountered so far!
on 1588644829
on 1588210176
on 1587998248
on 1587552669
Really clean deck.
on 1584298073
on 1583513528
it's great!
on 1582705526
Thank you very much for this thoughtful collection. I've been using it for about 10 months. It helped me a lot to study all kanji up to N2. The tags allowed me to costumize the deck for my own needs. Now I'll use this deck to study all 2136 Jouyou kanji.
Kanji list n5 on 1580674901
on 1577886544
Amazing deck.
on 1577374385
on 1576547562
good one
on 1575138708
Top. Using the book daily and then I flipping through the flashcards when commuting.
on 1574827738
on 1573057603
Not in heisig order
on 1571955895
on 1571633170
Very useful
on 1571385775
on 1571278634
on 1571248593
Excellent deck, I can't imagine how much work you put into it. I was wondering if you could release a simple card deck with all the example words you placed for each kanji in this deck, that would be freaking fantastic! You have our utmost gratitude.
on 1570350899
I use this deck to learn kanji reading. I modified the cards so that they only show the info relevant for me (i.e. the kanji itself, the meaning, and one reading). If you don't want the reverse cards, just suspend them. All in all an extremely useful deck.
on 1570255406Kanji list by radical
on 1568399069
Any way to remove the reverse card? That one sentence guide isn't doing it for me, still can't figure it out...
Update: figured it out, when in browse with card view open, you have to type 'card:Recall' or whichever you don't want, not just Recall. Only then will it sort for you. Ctrl+A and suspend those boys.
on 1566133553
In a card browser I see that a lot of those harder kanji (grade s+ or jinmeiyou) don't even have english meaning added? What's the point of those cards then?
I just began and the starting kanji were ok so far so I'm rating this thumbs up but be wary if you want to learn these rare kanji.
on 1565910886
It’s got lots of kanji, but IMO, I don’t need to see the cards in reverse, and not having the cards in reverse doesn’t seem to be an option. I need to learn how to recognize kanji, not translate from English to kanji which is an entirely different skill. Furthermore, having reverse cards can be confusing because some words in English could have many possibilities for kanji. For example, the words “lament, grief, regret” can be associated with 慨, 恨, 悼, 悔, 怨, 嘆, 歎, 惜, 憂, 愁 and others, making it frustrating to learn. It would be nice to have this deck with no reverse versions of the cards.
on 1563763821
on 1561161220
Contains everything you need to learn Kanjis! The usage examples are particularly useful. The deck has a lot of kanjis, but with the ordering and the tag you can easily select what you want.
on 1558045415
It's good. The order is really logical and easy to understand!
on 1557410823
on 1557159307
Seems good to me. My main complaint is that the mnemonics for remembering kanji are often quite adolescent and ridiculous. Occasionally they get lucky and say something useful.
on 1556098049
All you could want. Using it in conjunction with Tae Kim's guide and it's perfect :)
on 1554851273
It is possible to get ride of the duplicate cards, only have 1 card per kanji?
on 1554841456
I'm only at 776 learned so far but some kanji pop up with primitives that I haven't learned the kanji for yet. This is really inconvenient and there doesn't seem to be a way to sort them in the correct order but oh well I'm already this far in might as well keep going. I really suck at making stories so what I'll usually do is just use the koohii stories as a placeholder and then by the next day or so I'll usually be able to come up with something.
on 1552413767
This deck doesn't really teach you how to use the kanji; you only learn the English dictionairy meaning. When starting with this deck the most obvious problem with the deck is the lack of kana on the question card. When you are learning a kanji you just get to see a (sometimes outdated) dictonairy meaning; firstly this gives a problem with variant kanji that have the same meaning such as 國 and 国 (more on this later); but maybe more importantly you are learning kanji to read/write Japanese, not English; so the kana is much more relevant and I'd rather learn the kanji using just the readings and leave out the English completely (add it as option of course, also add it if the meaning is not clear from just the reading). Also please split obscure kana readings from commonly used ones and mark them (with another color for example). Or maybe it would even be better if you could list all words the kanji in kana and from there write down the kanji (again add English meaning as option and English should be added by default when there are common synonyms) because that's how you will be using kanji: to write Japanese words.
For example
Answer: 水
Of course the part which is used to write the specific kanji should be marked (ie. bolded).
Some kanji already have some example words. However some kanji especially the more advanced ones such as 藤 and 潟 don't give any example at all (these are still Kanji in JPLT so they should be used somewhere). At least give one example for every kanji; maybe you could mark obscure meanings or those usually written in kana (ie. using a different color). On the other hand some kanji give completely irrelevant example words such as 雄 which gives 'Eroica Symphony (Beethoven, 1804)​' and 'Heroic Polonaise (Chopin)​' as examples so I'm really confused why you added that.
Regarding variant characters such as 國, they should make a reference to the more commonly used character. Ie. make the question: give traditonal variant of 国 and the other way around (should not appear on the 国 by default).
Better explain nuances for characters with slightly different meanings not visible in English such as 探 and 捜.
Examples of how questions should be:
さいとう, ふじはら (common names)
ふじ (wysteria, usually written in kana)
Answer: 藤
にいがた (prefecture name)
かた (lagoon, obscure word)
Answer: 潟
English dictonary and other data meaning could be added as optional and by default when it's not clear from just the readings.
Of course the part which is used to write the specific kanji should be marked (ie. bolded). Obscure meanings could be left out by default (though every kanji should have at least ONE example of how it's used), or could possibly be marked using different colors.
on 1552254303
Excellent, thank you I especially like all the definitions, really well thought out.
on 1551208287
on 1551096798
Very interesting deck!
on 1550984383
on 1550287168
Could I please get help on how to install the KanjiStrokeOrders.ttf file on my android phone? I tried the instructions above but it's not working for me ~ Vlad
on 1549225586
on 1548723504
on 1548518814
on 1548510267
I have been working with this deck for a month, and in my opinion, it is by far the best deck I have come across for us Kanji learners.
on 1548085110
on 1546741951
on 1544024191
A extremely well made and detailed deck. I love it.
on 1543423746
on 1543047308
There are enough details for learning Kanjis!
Thank you!
on 1542385936
on 1542126081
Has everything I could want and is organized nicely
on 1542051574
It was amazing! It helped me learn Japanese quickly. Arigatou :)
on 1541964210
on 1540505486
Great deck. It just has everything and is nicely formatted.
However, it has one issue - some kanji show up in their Chinese version - such as 直 (seems this comment also shows the Chinese version).
Fortunately it can be easily fixed by wrapping the card style with span.
Fixes the issue completely on Windows 10 and Android Pie.
on 1534677240
A great deck that requires just a little tweak to suit one's own needs! I got stumped a little as to how to remove the 'recognition' and just have the 'recall' portion but I managed to get it done. This saved me a lot of time and effort. Thank you so much! :)
on 1532824388
on 1529973888
This is great! i'm just a beginner studying Nihonggo so I copied some of the number kanji from this deck and created a new one. My only problem is, the stroke order is not available when I view the cards via mobile. I'm in iOS.
Also, I decided to use some cards of this deck which are used regularly like 時, 円 and others to create a 'kanji beginner' deck of my own. But I tried to look for 私 kanji but it's not there. Am I searching incorrectly?
on 1529590520
This deck is freaking amazing. Thank you so much for this!
on 1528070400
on 1526515200
Great deck! It has everything you need in a sensible order, and if you are doing Heisig, he has a separate deck to download linked in the description. Nothing to complain about!
on 1526428800
on 1526342400
These kanji are useless my Japanese wife who is very smart also says you do not need to be able to write these, they will also NOT help for JLPT
on 1525651200
Tons of info per kanji, and the kanji are useful!
on 1525132800
This deck is very complete! It has readings, words and useful technical info. I have difficult to program it with a better interface and change its font (I don't understand so much about Anki's setting and their app Ankidroid), but excepting this question, it's OK
on 1524096000
on 1524009600
Well organized, very comprehensive.
on 1521676800
on 1520467200
WILL be hugely inefficient for learning Heisig approach.
on 1519862400
on 1519776000
This is amazing and beautiful. Thank you so much
on 1519603200
on 1519516800
Super <3
on 1519516800
THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!! GOD BLESS YOUU!! You have helped countless people with your effort.. :D
on 1519344000
My kanji skills be whack af so I needed this 🐴👍
on 1518998400
on 1516924800
But please try to update new things
on List1516924800
on 1514246400
It has a wide range of words
on 1514160000
on 1512950400
tags extremely helpful, mnemonics and radicals there if you want them, overall very complete and nice deck
on 1501977600
Awesome deck
Thanks for adding the recognition and recall portion in the notes, that is exactly what I was looking for. Do you have a patreon or something to donate to? Feel like for the amount of work you've put into this the least I could do is throw a couple bucks your way.
on 1501372800
Nice Deck!
This deck has a lot of information, it's really useful. I was wondering if you mind if I import the deck into www.StudyHerd.com and share it there (for free) as well as Anki? I like their format a little better. Thanks!
on 1496534400
Very comprehensive!
All I wanted was a deck that I could use to practice writing Kanji with Spaced Repetition, and this was just what I need! Thank you!
on 1488499200
Great Deck
Hey, first, I wanted to thank you for putting in the work to create this great deck, it's the best one available by far!
However, I do have a few questions I was wondering you could maybe answer. When I look at the 'notes' table and the 'flds' column, I see all the data that goes on the pack of card dumped there without anything seperating them. How does anki generate the html on the cards for this if it can't tell where one field ends and the next begins? I'm guessing that it looks at the 'models' row in the 'col' table, but I still don't see how it knows how to generate the HTML and what the seperation objects are in the 'flds' column. If it's not any inconvenience to you, I'd greatly appreciate a short reply at d4nisg0d@gmail.com. Thanks in advance!
on 1469664000
on 1468713600
very useful and user friendly
on 1458691200
Great deck, truly a one stop shop. I would suggest adding the Kyōiku / Jōyō index to each card, not just the grade, as the kanji are taught in a specific order at school. Will make life easier for those of us who chose to follow this order rather than Heisig's. :)
Actually, why not just put all three indices on each card? RTK 1, RTK 6 and Kyōiku / Jōyō. Then everyone can choose their preferred order and have Anki sort the cards before they start studying.
on 1456704000
Great deck! But one question about the updates . . . .
UPDATED 2/29/16: Thanks a ton! to the author for the instructions about updating card order. It was a little confusing to me at first, but I fought my way through and was able to execute the update, including reimporting Heisig stories (even though I rarely seem to use them).
I have been making a lot of progress with this wonderful deck. Many thanks to the author(s), I use this deck almost every day and it's really well-made.
However, I loaded it in Summer 2015 and I see that the card order has since been changed. I would love to be able to load the update—sometimes the kanji come up in strange order (e.g., this week I saw 河 before 可)—but I'd rather not have to start over from the beginning (I'm several hundred kanji in at this point, starting over might break my spirit).
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to load the updated deck without losing the work I've already done? Thanks in advance, and many thanks to the author(s) for continuing to tweak and improve the deck.
on 1456185600
Thanks for making this great deck.
Have you considered installing the Kanji Stroke Order font on the deck? http://ankisrs.net/docs/manual.html#installing-fonts
I'm not sure how it would work with licensing, etc., but it might make the deck a bit more user-friendly.
on 1453593600
Something missing
Why did you left out the Heisig explanations?
It's possible to include them?
on 1450828800
Good deck, but you need to know this!
This deck is following the EXACT order of the book 'A guide to Reading and Writing Japanese' at the first part(<440 kanji). I did not overcome this amount of kanjis right now.
Also, you >>can<< use heisig's mnemonics and kanji koohii that come with it even if you don't know some of the characters. I also recomend jisho.org to see kanji stroke order. You have to type #kanji 寒 for example, in the search.
Good deck!
on 1447286400
Best Kanji List
I just wrote this review to note one mistake:
The Kanji '万' is not tagged as grade2.
on 1446854400
Fine deck but...
OK, I'd now rate this deck 5 stars even if you use heisig, PROVIDED you follow the Heisig reordering guidelines given bellow. I'm pretty sure the poster never did Heisig or he would never recommend you mess around with that order--it would be insane to do so I know because followed his recommendation with much regret and I was referencing Kanji 2000 when was trying to learn Kanji 100 (not a real example, hopefully you see the problem). It was extremely awkward. Please also not the deck is double-sided (2 cards per kanji) and that could cause you grief if you're new to Anki. If you've done 200 cards, you've only done 100 kanji. It's a beautiful deck.

Kanji is said to be the most difficult part of learning Japanese. The most common reasons for this are 'there are a lot of them,' or 'they are complicated,' or even 'they are hard.'

But if you know how to learn kanji, it doesn't need to be so hard. You don't need to spend 10+ years studying kanji to reach a decent level of Japanese literacy. One or two years will do, if you've got the right technique.

Around five years ago, Tofugu made the kanji-learning application WaniKani to fix the 'learning kanji' problem. Since then, we've seen students learn all 2,000+ jouyou kanji (not to mention 6,000+ vocabulary words) in just over a year.

You don't need to spend 10+ years studying kanji to reach a decent level of Japanese literacy. One or two years will do, if you've got the right technique.

In this article, we're going to give you the recipe to our secret sauce so you can do the same, no WaniKani necessary.

Even if you think you're 'bad at kanji,' you'll see a five to tenfold increase in your kanji learning speed the moment you get to the bottom of this page. A pretty good reward for fifteen minutes of reading time, don't you think?

Now, you may be wondering: 'Why would you give away WaniKani's secret sauce? Won't that decrease your WaniKani customers?' The answer is 'we have no idea.' But here's why we're giving it all away:

  1. Not everyone can afford to pay for WaniKani (around $7-9/month). We want to give these people another option. If someone wants education, they should be able to get it.
  2. If you create a free WaniKani account, you can use WaniKani levels 1–3 for free (that's 100+ kanji, and 300+ vocabulary words). By that time, you've learned everything in this guide and more. People don't stick with WaniKani because we keep the method a secret. They stick with it because it's hard to quit (some say 'addicting'), it's simple (sit down, follow the instructions, and you will make progress), it has a huge community of like-minded Japanese learners (though sometimes they're a bit weird), and it's an all-in-one solution (SRS, ordering, and more).
  3. We want more people to know about this method. It's existed in various forms for nearly 50 years, but very few people are using it. Tofugu has a unique opportunity to spread the word and help out teachers, students, and everyone in between. We want to move the Japanese language industry forward, because it's been stagnant for a long time.

That being said, what do you get from this guide?

If you're a student, you'll discover the secret to learning 2,000+ kanji in one to two years. If you are extremely motivated and have a lot of free time, maybe even less than that.

If you're a teacher, you'll learn how to teach kanji in your class using this method. We'll provide reference materials for you to use, so you can build a kanji/vocabulary teaching method tailored to your teaching needs.

Ready to get started? There's a lot to cover, and we're sure you're excited to see some results.

  • Radicals + Mnemonics = Easy Kanji Memorization
  • Kanji + Kanji = Vocabulary?

Radicals: The Building Blocks of Kanji

First, you need to learn what a radical is. There's a chance you've heard of radicals before – perhaps in reference to looking up kanji in paper kanji dictionaries – but those aren't quite the radicals we're talking about.

In this guide, radicals are patterns and symbols that appear inside each kanji. Each kanji consists of 1–3 (sometimes four) individual radicals. Think of them as 'building blocks' for creating kanji.

I think the best explanation of why using radicals like this is important comes from Kanjidamage. Warning: this website is… explicit, so allow us to paraphrase for you:

When thinking of radicals and their usefulness, you need to think of them as though they were the individual letters of the English alphabet. What did you learn before you learned how to read English words? You learned the letters of the alphabet.

Now, try to imagine attempting to learn to read a word in English without having the knowledge of the alphabet at your disposal. It's insane, right? Yet, that is exactly how most people are learning kanji.

Learning kanji stroke-by-stroke is like learning how to read the word 'stupid' without knowing any of the individual letters. You would have to memorize the spelling as 'that snake shape, plus that cross shape, plus…'

You get the picture. It's stupid. Multiply that by thousands of different words, and you will understand how inefficient this method is.

Learning radicals is like learning the letters of the alphabet, in that they get your brain away from individual lines and into repeating patterns and symbols that you can use again and again. Let me show you what I mean:

The kanji is 町, which means 'town.' As you can see in the image above, 町 is made up of two radicals:

  1. 田 (rice paddy)
  2. 丁 (street)

To learn this kanji using the radicals mnemonic method, you need to know the names of these two radicals first (we'll teach you how to learn kanji radical names later on in the guide).

See the two radicals? Okay, good. Let's move on to the next example.

The kanji is 電, which means 'electricity.' The radicals used to build this kanji are:

  1. 雨 (rain)
  2. 田 (rice paddy)
  3. 乚 (umbrella)

In this case, we need three radicals to build this kanji. Usually we try to prevent a kanji from having more than three radicals, though occasionally you'll see a kanji made up of four or (very rarely) five radicals.

See where all the radicals are? Great. Next example.

It's also possible for kanji to have only one radical, which means the radical and the kanji are the same! The kanji 大 means 'big.' And in this case, the radical 大 also means 'big.'

There are cases where the radical name and kanji name are different. We'll talk about that later on.

Strokes vs. Radicals

Through the radical mnemonic method, we'll essentially skip the short-term memory step, putting kanji directly into your long-term memory.

For this section, I want you to remember the number seven. Why? Humans can typically remember 6–8 things in their short-term memory. A lot of kanji have well over eight strokes.

Traditionally, when people learn kanji, they try to memorize the individual strokes then write them over and over again. Learning this way puts kanji in your short-term memory. By writing it over and over again, it's put in your long-term memory. Sometimes. It's pretty hit or miss.

Through the radical mnemonic method, we'll essentially skip the short-term memory step, putting kanji directly into your long-term memory. It won't be a strong memory, but it's much better than short-term, which disappears the moment you stop thinking about it.

Let's dig a little deeper: I'm going to compare memorization via strokes and via radicals. It will highlight just how simple the radicals mnemonic method is (and how inefficient learning by strokes is).

We'll start with 大, because it's only made of three strokes. That's not so hard, and it falls well within the seven things a typical human can keep in their short-term memory. Three strokes is only three things to remember.

But, compare this to the number of radicals needed to build this kanji: one. If you learn via radicals, you only need to remember one thing.

The difference is more obvious as kanji gets more complicated. 町 is seven strokes, or seven different things to remember; right at the edge of your short-term memory's capacity. It's doable, but a little more difficult (and it requires your full concentration).

With radicals, you only need to remember two things: 田 and 丁.

Finally, let's look at the most complicated kanji we've introduced (so far). 電 is thirteen strokes, meaning it's extremely difficult for your brain to memorize via rote memorization. With radicals, you only need to memorize three things.

Thirteen vs. three is a huge difference, and kanji get way more complicated than this.

My point is this: right from the start – even without mnemonics – the radicals mnemonic method cuts down what you have to memorize by 80%, in most cases.

But we're not stopping there. Next you'll see how the addition of mnemonics allows you to stick a kanji's meaning and reading straight into your long-term memory. No more rote memorization.

Radicals + Mnemonics = Easy Kanji Memorization

First, let's talk about mnemonics. Mnemonics are basically just memory devices that help you memorize something. There are a ton of different mnemonic methods out there, but the one we'll use to learn a kanji's meaning and reading uses stories. This point is important, because stories are what catapults a brand new piece of information (a kanji's meaning) into your long-term memory.

Humans, it turns out, are very good at memorizing two things: stories and three-dimensional space. We evolved this way because it helped our survival as a species. If a passing traveler told you a story about a crazy blonde dude that killed a bunch of younglings near XYZ part of the river, you'd most likely be able to recall all of the important details to pass it along to members of your tribe. In ancient times, the ability to memorize a story and pass it along meant the difference between life and death for you and your community.

The mnemonic method we'll use to learn kanji utilizes stories. This is important, because stories are what catapults a brand new piece of information (a kanji's meaning) into your long-term memory.

Now compare memorizing 'important details' of a story to memorizing a string of digits. Even if the number of items to memorize were the same, the story will stick in your mind effortlessly. The string of digits, on the other hand, would take a lot of concentration and won't stick half as well.

The radicals themselves are the first step in a mnemonic method that uses this incredible human ability. If you can identify the radicals in a kanji, you can use the radical names to create a story. This story will help you recall the meaning of the kanji. When you need to recall the story (and thus the meaning of the kanji), all you need to do is look at the radicals. These will trigger the story in your mind, and you'll be able to recall it.

The easiest way to understand how to do this is to see it in action. Just pretend you've memorized the names of the radicals (for now). You'll actually learn them later on.

町 = 田 (rice paddy) + 丁 (street)

First, identify the radicals that build the kanji. It's important to come up with a method so that the order of the radicals are the same every time you identify them. While you could use any ordering system you want as long as it's consistent, we recommend you order the radicals by following general kanji stroke order rules. That is, by starting in the top-left and working your way down to the bottom-right. It'll make writing easier, should you ever learn how to write by hand.

In the case of 町, the 'top-left' radical is 田 (rice paddy), and the 'bottom-right' is 丁 (street).

Now that we've identified the radicals, it's time to create a mnemonic story. To do this, you need to use the radicals to make a story, in order, so that the conclusion is the meaning of the kanji (for 町 that would be 'town').

For example, with rice paddy and street you could create stories like…

A rice paddy that's so big a street forms next to it? That's a town!


A bunch of rice paddies with streets connecting them form a town.

In your mind's eye, you should imagine these two stories. A couple of things:

  1. Notice how there isn't a lot of extraneous detail? When creating your own stories, you don't want to add anything that distracts from the radicals and the kanji meaning, otherwise you might accidentally recall the wrong meaning while 'triggering' the answer.
  2. The story happened in the order of the radicals. We could have done the other order, and in this case it wouldn't have mattered much, but for some kanji it will make a big difference. It's best to be consistent, so you can 'read' the radicals in the kanji in the same order as your mnemonic.

Let's do this with the other two kanji you've looked at in this guide.

電 = 雨 (rain) + 田 (rice paddy) + 乚 (umbrella)

The kanji 電 is three radicals. Going from top-left to bottom-right, they are 雨 (rain), 田 (rice paddy), and 乚 (umbrella). A couple of examples for stories:

Standing in the rain in a rice paddy with an umbrella was how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity!


You're standing in the rain in a rice paddy holding an umbrella. Rice paddies are flat, and since the umbrella is the tallest thing it is hit by electricity!

You may have noticed already, but the kanji 町 (town) and 電 (electricity) share the common kanji radical 田 (rice paddy). Radicals you learn will be used over and over again, just like the letters of the alphabet. Some will be used more than others (also like the alphabet), but every radical will be used more than once.

Okay, lastly, let's look at the kanji 大, which is built with the radical 大.

大 = 大 (big)

In cases where the radical is the same as the kanji, you don't have to make a story. Just use the radical to trigger the fact that the kanji is the same as the radical.

In cases where the radical is the same as the kanji but the radical's name is different, you have to create a story, just like before, to connect the radical name and the kanji meaning. The only difference is you have to create a story from one radical. It's a little obnoxious, but when the radical name is different from the kanji, there's usually a good reason for it (most likely, the kanji meaning is hard to imagine and not good for mnemonics).

Now that you understand how this works, let's quickly run through some examples. Go through each kanji, identify where the radical lives in each, and then make your own story (or look at our examples for inspiration).

日 (sun) + 月 (moon) = 明 (bright)

  1. The sun reflects off the moon and makes it bright.
  2. The sunand the moon are out? With both their light-powers combined, it's incredibly bright!

ネ (spirit) + 乚 (umbrella) = 礼 (thanks)

  1. You give a spirit statue an umbrella in the rain as a show of thanks for always protecting your village.
  2. You always take care of your old umbrellas as a show of thanks to the spirits who dwell within them.

ネ (spirit) + 単 (simple) = 禅 (zen)

  1. If you want your spirit to be simple just try Zen Buddhism. They're all about that stuff!
  2. Make your spiritsimple by being more Zen. Let go of your worldly desires and be free!

火 (fire) + 丁 (street) = 灯 (lamp)

  1. The fires used to light up the street are lamps.
  2. If you want to carry fire with you to find your way on a dark street you'll need to buy a lamp.

禾 (grain) + 口 (mouth) = 和 (peace, Japanese style)

  1. A grain for every mouth means the world is at peace.
  2. Put grains in your mouth with chopsticks, in the Japanese style!

日 (sun) + 寺 (temple) = 時 (time, o'clock)

  1. The sun is used in the temple to tell time. Clocks aren't allowed in sacred places like this!
  2. Go see where the sun falls in the temple. That's how you know that time it is.

目 (eye) + 亡 (death) =盲 (blind)

  1. Your eye's death means you've gone blind.
  2. Eyedeath is the leading cause of blindness in most first world countries.

女 (woman) + 辰 (landslide) = 娠 (pregnant)

  1. A woman who is about to create a landslide with her body is pregnant.
  2. If birth bothers you, just imagine a woman creating a little landslide in her body when she's pregnant instead of all the other stuff.

火 (fire) + 喿 (syrup) = 燥 (dry up)

  1. If you start a fire near your syrup it will dry up.
  2. What the heck dude! You shot fireballs at my syrup and it dried up! You're the worst!

敝 (penguin) + 廾 (twenty) = 弊 (evil)

  1. If you see penguins in groups of twenty they're definitely evil, get away from them.
  2. No really. The above sentence should be enough. Didn't you see that talking animal movie? The penguins are evil.

Hopefully you're beginning to see how these mnemonic stories work and how they can help you memorize a kanji's meaning. But, where are these radicals and radical names coming from? How can you know what radicals are in each kanji? And how can you go about learning them?

Identifying the Radical

You're probably thinking. 'Isn't it better to learn the ‘official' names? Who do you think you are, Tofugu?!'

The first thing you have to know is that there are 'radicals lists' out there – quite a few, actually. In theory, you're free to use any radicals list you'd like, but for the sake of this guide, we'll use the radicals from WaniKani. Other radicals lists, including the most common 'official' Chinese Kangxi Radicals List, don't work well with our mnemonic method. One of the major reasons for this is that some of the names assigned to the radicals aren't very good. For example:

  • 凵 open box
  • 匚 right open box
  • 冂 down box
  • 广 dotted cliff
  • 爻 double x

You have to admit, the names may look like the things they represent, but they don't really hold any meaning. There's nothing you can visualize easily in your mind's eye with 'down box.'

Another problem: they're so similar to each other. It's difficult to differentiate an 'open box,' a 'right open box,' and a 'down box' in your imagination. Since these radicals are being used for mnemonics in a story, we've renamed them to things that are easier for you to visualize.

Another problem with the traditional list of radicals is that they'll name multiple radical forms the same thing. Some examples:


By renaming duplicates to unique names, it's easier to make easy-to-visualize stories in your mnemonics.


You may have realized at this point that we're renaming radicals.

'How dare you alter the original,' you are probably thinking. 'Isn't it better to learn the ‘official' names? Who do you think you are, Tofugu?!' (Oof, that's an email we get a lot!)

A couple comments on that:

  1. Most Japanese people don't know the official names of these radicals either, and if that doesn't illustrate the unimportance of knowing the 'official' radical names, I don't know what will.
  2. Official names tend to be very general and difficult to imagine in your mind's eye. It's important for mnemonics to be specific and easy to imagine in your mind's eye.
  3. What would you say if I asked you, 'What's the meaning of the letter ‘s' in ‘stupid?' Radicals and kanji are a lot like that. Knowing the official meaning of a radical isn't important (and when it is, we keep the official meaning).
  4. We've made up a lot of completely new radicals too, and, since they don't exist in an 'official' capacity, of course we're going to give them names. For example, these 'patterns' show up a lot in kanji, but you won't find them on any 'official' radicals list:
乍 key韋 Korea㑒 squid
作 (Make)違 (Different)険 (Risky)
昨 (Previous)韓 (Korea)験 (Test)
酢 (Vinegar)衛 (Defense)検 (Examine)
詐 (Lie)偉 (Greatness)剣 (Sword)
搾 (Squeeze)緯 (Latitude)倹 (Thrifty)

These tweaks make radicals work how we want them to: as building blocks we can use to remember kanji. For these reasons, and more, we use the WaniKani radicals list. If you really want to, you can use another radicals list if, say, you already started learning with that list.

Now that you know radicals have names that are good for making stories, it's time to learn how to identify them, learn them, and use them to make your own kanji meaning mnemonics.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Identify the kanji you want to learn.
  2. Copy the kanji by highlighting it, and pressing cmd+c or ctrl+c on your keyboard (you can also right click the highlighted word and click copy).
  3. Visit our handy-dandy Kanji Radicals Reference Spreadsheet.
  4. Press cmd+f or ctrl+f to activate the 'find' feature on this page.
  5. Paste your kanji into the 'find' field.
  6. It will find the kanji in our spreadsheet. If you look at the 盲 kanji row, it will show you what radicals are used to build this kanji.
  7. Make your mnemonic story.
  8. Rejoice!

These steps assume you already know the radicals to a degree that allow you to use them in stories. You have to know the names of the radicals well enough to identify them without looking up their meanings.

So, the next question is, how should you learn the radicals? In what order should you learn them? When should you learn them?

That, we're afraid, is a very difficult question to answer. It's going to depend on the ordering in which you learn your kanji. In WaniKani, we introduce new radicals before you learn a kanji that uses those radicals. This way, it feels like magic, and you always have some familiarity with things you've never seen before. We figured out the ordering of the radicals and kanji, and are continually tweaking it to make things more and more efficient.

But, if you're learning kanji on your own, you have to come up with your own ordering, and figure out what radicals to learn for your target kanji. It's not impossible, but it does require some forethought. To make this work, you'll either need to:

  1. Learn the names of all the radicals first, before you even look at any kanji. This method feels slow at first, but overall it's probably going to take a similar amount of time compared to any other method. Or,

  2. Take a look at the 10–30 kanji you need to learn next and go through each one by one. Identify the radicals used in each of these kanji, and learn those radicals (you'll have to figure out a way to judge when something is 'learned'). Then, after you've learned the radicals, learn the meanings of the kanji using your 'learned' radicals. Then, repeat. The next set of 10–30 kanji will use radicals you've already learned, and with each set you'll have fewer and fewer radicals to learn.

If you're a teacher, the second option is probably the best, though you'll need to do some groundwork to prepare this for your students. If you're a student, then either option is fine, I think, depending on your personality.

That said, we've already done all this in WaniKani, so if you don't want to spend time deciding what radical to learn when, that's a third option available to you.

Alright, so you've learned how to learn the radicals, and how to use them to make stories that trigger the memory of a kanji's reading. Now you're going to learn how to memorize a kanji's reading by continuing your mnemonic.

Memorizing a Kanji's 'Reading' with Mnemonics

Most kanji have a straightforward meaning. The popular resource, Heisig's Remembering the Kanji, focuses mainly on learning the meanings of kanji. It sure feels like you 'know' a lot of kanji when you finish this book, but the meaning of a kanji is only about one-fourth of the equation. If you want to be able to read (and speak, and write, and listen to) Japanese, you need to learn a kanji's readings and vocabulary too.

Readings are difficult, but choosing what kanji reading to learn may be even harder. The traditional method for learning a kanji's reading is to just learn all of them, or at the very least learn an on'yomi and kun'yomi reading. Almost every kanji has at least two ways to read/pronounce it (one on'yomi and one kun'yomi). But, there are also often multiple on'yomi readings and/or multiple kun'yomi readings. Don't even get me started on nanori (readings for kanji used in names)!

For most kanji, there is one reading that's better than all the rest; one reading that is used in 80–90% of the vocabulary words that use that kanji.

Instead of learning all the readings of a kanji, we recommend choosing one reading and calling it 'the reading.' For most kanji, there is one reading that's better than all the rest; one reading that is used in 80–90% of the vocabulary words that use that kanji.

When it comes to mnemonics, it's much easier to associate a single reading with a kanji. If you pile on additional readings to learn, your memory gets mucked up. One reading to rule them all. That's your goal.

Economically, one reading makes a lot more sense too. You are doing 20% of the work, but getting 80% of the results. To achieve the other 20% of the results, you'd have to spend five times as much time. You do need to learn that 20% eventually, but you can learn it by studying vocabulary.

If you've been initiated into the more 'traditional' kanji learning camp, it will take a little stretching to wrap your mind around this. But once you do, you'll find it's a lot simpler, faster, and more efficient.

So, we keep talking about this 'one reading.' How do you go about choosing this one reading? It's difficult, especially for a beginner. Sometimes there's no right answer, but in general you can use the instructions below to choose a pretty good one:

  • Choose the reading that's used the most in vocabulary. Just search for the kanji you want on jisho.org with two asterisks on either side (for example *大*). This will find all the words that use 大. Go through the results and get an idea of what reading is most useful/what shows up most often.
  • Be careful when looking at words that use the kanji in them, though. Not all words are created equally. Favor words marked with the tag 'common.' The 'common' tag isn't perfect, but it should help.
  • Don't choose a reading that is exceptional (e.g. only shows up for one word), or is rare (e.g. only shows up in a couple words, compared to another reading that shows up more).
  • If you have no idea, just choose the on'yomi reading. It's generally going to be the most useful reading to learn. If there is more than one on'yomi reading, use the steps above to see what reading looks the most useful.
  • Guess. As long as you learn vocabulary (we'll show you how later on), you're going to learn all the readings. Don't stress too much about it, as it will work out in the end.

On WaniKani, we went through these steps to choose 'the reading' for every kanji you learn so you don't have to worry about it. But, you can choose your own 'the reading' too.

Okay, so let's assume you've chosen 'the reading' for a bunch of kanji. It's time to learn how to memorize that reading with the radicals mnemonic method. It's quite easy, actually. Just continue the story that you created for the meaning mnemonic. Make the story a natural continuation of the meaning mnemonic story so that when you recall the meaning, you automatically recall the reading too. Remember, humans are really good at recalling stories, so this works surprisingly well.

Take a look:

  • 町 (town) = ちょう
    The town that popped up overnight is led by Mrs. Chou. You don't want to live here. You don't even want to stop in this town. Mrs. Chou is insanely evil, so get out of there! (Join WaniKani to learn more about the saga of Mrs. Chou.)

  • 電 (electricity) = でん
    After the electricity hits you, you feel your face and there's a huge dent. Ouch!

  • 明 (bright) = めい
    Things only start to get this bright outside in May. Before that month it's always dark and rainy.

  • 礼 (thanks) = れい
    You show your thanks to the spirit and suddenly a ray gun appears at your feet. Huh. Maybe you should thank the spirits more often.

  • 禅 (zen) = ぜん
    Zen is zen. (So meta!)

  • 灯 (lamp) = とう
    Lamps lining the streets were first invented in Toukyo. That's why the Toukyo we know today is always lit up with new-age lamps all night long!

  • 和 (peace, Japanese style) = わ
    The world is at peace and everyone eats in the new Japanese style, by sticking your chopsticks in your mouth and pretending to be a walrus. Arf arf!

  • 時 (time) = じ
    Time in a temple makes you think of Jesus. Specifically, Jesus being able to perform time travel magic. He winks at you, goes back to the dinosaur ages, where he wrestles a T-rex. Then, he goes to WWII era and punches Hitler in the mouth.

  • 盲 (blind) = もう
    Now that you're blind you shouldn't drive anymore because if you do you'll mow everyone over. Actually, you probably shouldn't mow your lawn anymore either…

  • 娠 (pregnant) = しん
    When you're pregnant you hit your shins on things all the time because your belly is so big. You can't look down to see your shins, let alone try to avoid bumping into things.

  • 燥 (dry up) = そう
    Dry up syrup with fire and, you're removing its soul. Have you ever seen dry syrup before? No soul in that. In fact, you probably have no soul if you can dry up syrup without feeling bad about it.

  • 弊 (evil) = へい
    The evil penguins can't let you tell the other humans what you've seen, so they murder you and hide your body in a hay stack. Your family will never know what happened to you. The penguins will get away with their evil plans.

By doing this, you have a system for not only recalling the meaning of a kanji, but the reading of a kanji as well. I know recalling the meaning and reading feels slow to you now, but you'll learn how to reach a fluent level of recall later on in this guide. Part of this comes in the next step, as well as the final piece of the puzzle: vocabulary.

Kanji + Kanji = Vocabulary?

if you are trying to learn the word 人口, you would need to 'know' the kanji 人 and 口. If you don't know both, you shouldn't be learning this word (yet).

To learn Japanese vocabulary words, we're going to use a slightly different – yet similar – mnemonic method. Before that, though, we have to answer the question: what words should you be learning?

We have a few rules for that, which we used to choose the vocabulary words that WaniKani users learn. You can use them too:

  1. Is the word useful? Is it common? You can use jisho's 'common' tag, or you can paste the word into Google to see how often it comes up. You could ask on HiNative. You could check the word against a Japanese vocabulary frequency list (just search for that in Google).
  2. Do you know all the kanji in the word? For example, if you are trying to learn the word 人口, you would need to 'know' the kanji 人 and 口. If you don't know both, you shouldn't be learning this word (yet). As for how to define 'knowing a kanji,' that's going to have to be a threshold you decide yourself. We suggest being more conservative on this, because people tend to be more optimistic than they should be when it comes to knowledge.
  3. Sometimes a kanji will only have one 'good' word worth learning. But, the act of learning vocabulary words helps you to learn the kanji as well. In cases like these, we suggest you add a couple 'less common' words to your study stack, because it will help you in the long run. Even 'uncommon' words will pop up where you least expect them.
  4. You like the word. Hey, that's a good enough reason for me.

One thing you can do is search for words in jisho by placing asterisks on either side of a kanji you've learned. For example, you could search for *口* and it will output all the words that use the kanji 口. Use the steps above to choose what vocabulary is worth learning, and once you have identified them you can memorize them using mnemonics (we're going to do that now).

Jukugo Vocabulary

There are multiple kinds of vocabulary words, and each will use a slightly different mnemonic strategy, but we'll start with jukugo (combination) type words first. These words are two or more kanji (sometimes four kanji) plopped together to form a word. If you know the meanings of the individual kanji, you can use that information to create a story that will get you to the meaning of the vocabulary word. It's not so different from the way you learned the kanji meaning, is it? Let's look at some examples:

  • 人口
    Person + Mouth = Population
    The amount of people with mouths (that you have to feed) is the total population you're responsible for.

  • 目玉
    Eye + Ball = Eyeball
    An eye that's also a ball… well that's easy, it's your eyeball.

  • 子犬
    Child + Dog = Puppy
    A childdog, or the child of a dog, is a puppy!

  • 不良
    Not + Good = Bad
    If something is notgood then it must be bad.

  • 戦場
    War + Location = Battlefield
    The warlocation is the battlefield. It's where you actually fight the war.

  • 暗殺
    Dark + Kill
    A darkkill is an assassination. It's done in secret, usually in the dark. Probably by a ninja.

  • 野球
    Field + Sphere = Baseball
    The sport you play in a field throwing a sphere is, of course, baseball!

  • 歯医者
    Tooth + Medicine + Someone = Dentist
    Someone who puts medicine on your tooth is your dentist. (At least I hope so. Don't let random people put things on your teeth!)

  • 顔文字
    Face + Writing + Letter = Kaomoji
    You make a face by writing with letters. That's called kaomoji! Oh well, we stole that from Japan, but you get the point.

  • 旅行者
    Trip + Go + Someone = Tourist, Traveler
    Someone who goes on a trip is a tourist or a traveler.

  • 英会話
    England + Meet + Talk = English Conversation
    If you go to England and meet people to talk to, you're having an English conversation.

  • 外務大臣
    Outside + Task + Big + Servant = Minister of Foreign Affairs
    The public servant who handles the bigtasks concerning things outside your country is the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

  • 保守主義
    Preserve + Protect + Master + Righteousness = Conservative
    Someone who wants to preserve, protect, and master the righteousness of the past is a conservative.

  • 各駅停車
    Each + Station + Halt + Car = Local Train
    A car that halts at eachstation is a local train. If you get on one be prepared for a long ride with a lot of stops.

  • 自動販売機
    Self + Move + Sell + Sell + Machine = Vending Machine
    Ah yes. The machine that moves by itself to sellsell sell. You know it, you love it: the vending machine!


Jukugo tend to be pretty easy, with each kanji meaning contributing to the meaning of the vocabulary word as a whole. But, we can do this with other word types too. For example, you know that verbs will end in an う sound. So when you see a single kanji, and some kana ending in an う sound, you can guess that it's a verb version of the kanji's meaning.

Here's a little chart to help you understand what we mean by う sound:

  • 食べる
    Eat + う sound
    This is a verb with the kanji for eat, so you can guess it means to eat.

  • 言う
    Say + う sound
    This is a verb with the kanji for say, so you can guess it means to say.

  • 聞く
    Hear + う sound
    This is a verb with the kanji for hear, so you can guess it means to hear.

  • 学ぶ
    Study + う sound
    This is a verb with the kanji for study, so it means to study or tolearn.

  • 目覚める
    Eye + Awake + う sound
    The verb for your eyes becoming awake is to wake up.

  • 心得る
    Heart + Acquire + う sound
    Here's another verb. When your heartacquires something, you know it forever. So this means to know.


You can do the same thing with adjectives too. As you might know, a good number of adjectives end in い (these are known as 'い adjectives'). If you see a single kanji with an い at the end, you can guess that it is (probably) an adjective form of the kanji's meaning.

  • 大きい
    Big + ends with い
    This is an adjective version of big, so you can guess it means big.

  • 忙しい
    Busy + ends with い
    This is an adjective version of busy is also busy.

  • 丸い
    Circle + ends with い
    The adjective version of circle is circular or round.

  • 白い
    White + ends with い
    Adding い to the noun white turns it into the adjective white.

  • 若々しい
    Young + 々 (repeater) + ends with い
    々 means the kanji is happening twice, so the adjective version of youngyoung is youthful.

Kanji List By Radical

Single Kanji Vocabulary

And lastly, there are times where you just see a vocabulary word that is a single kanji sitting there all alone. When this happens, the meaning of the vocabulary word is usually the same as the meaning of the kanji. And it's usually a noun.

  • Mountain
    It's a mountain!

  • Power
    It's power!

  • Outside
    It's outside!

  • Now
    It's now!

  • Bottle
    It's a bottle!

  • Crab
    It's a crab! 🦀

Of course, there are exceptions to all of the 'rules' listed above. There are a lot of vocabulary words out there, and you're going to run into plenty of inconsistencies. When this happens, just be flexible and do your best to memorize these words however you can. In rare instances, you'll just need to learn a word through rote memorization (gasp!). For the most part, the methods above should allow you to memorize any word to the point where you can recall it without cheating.

Learn Kanji Yourself

Kanji Listening

You've learned how to memorize a kanji meaning, a kanji reading, and associated vocabulary words. You've also learned how to choose what radicals and vocabulary to learn and when. Using these methods, you can now put radicals, kanji, and vocabulary words into your long-term memory.

But, the memories are still shaky. You still need to put in the work to transition those memories from 'need to use mnemonics to recall them' to 'fluent' (pops out of your mind with no thinking at all).

First off, I want to remind you about the ordering. I don't know what kanji you're going to learn and when, but you always need to follow the 'radicals → kanji → vocabulary' pattern. Radicals are the building blocks for learning the kanji. Kanji are the building blocks for learning the vocabulary.

  1. Learn radicals.
  2. Learn kanji.
  3. Learn vocabulary.

In. that. order.

You have to police yourself and only learn radicals/kanji/vocabulary when you're ready to learn them, otherwise your system will spiral out of control.

As for what 'knowing' something is… once again, that's going to be up to you. WaniKani knows when you 'know' an item, so it can serve you the right items at the right time. But if you're studying on your you own, you have to decide this for yourself.

The spaced repetition system is probably the most important part. This is how you go from your first stuttering steps to fluency.

Secondly, you need to have a system to learn these radicals, kanji, and vocabulary words. This is probably going to be some kind of spaced repetition system (SRS), like Anki or Memrise.

WaniKani has SRS built in and unlocks items automatically. You're never allowed to move forward until you've proven that you know the foundational items first. But if you go with one of the other SRS options (the best ones are laid out in this guide), please make sure you keep these points in mind. Be strict!

The spaced repetition system is probably the most important part. This is how you go from your first stuttering steps (having to think for a long time and recalling the answer with the mnemonic) to fluency (the answer coming out of your head automatically).

It will take a long time to bring one item to this 'fluent' state, but SRS is what elevates this process to maximum efficiency. When you're learning hundreds or even thousands of different items, SRS is a godsend. You just have to add the items and do your reviews when it tells you to.

I know that all this seems like a lot of work (and it is). In the short-term, it will feel like you're spending a ton of time not learning anything at all. But you have to look at the big picture.

If you learn kanji this way, you'll reach the end goal ten times faster. You have to believe in the system, and force yourself to make a little progress every day. You'll see some gigantic gains after about a month. Stick with it, and your future-self will thank you.

I'd also like to note there are communities and resources out there that will allow you to skip some of the manual, time-consuming steps mentioned above.

Heisig's Remembering the Kanji is good at teaching kanji meanings and not so good at teaching the readings. But there's a community of learners which has fixed this shortcoming by making and sharing reading and meaning kanji mnemonics for Heisig's at Kanji Koohii.

Another alternative, which does both meanings, readings, and vocabulary, is Kanjidamage (NSFW). Pair the Kanjidamage information with SRS and it becomes pretty powerful.

Finally, there's WaniKani, which does everything in this guide and more. If you sit down and follow the instructions, your kanji and Japanese vocabulary knowledge will move forward every single day, and it will feel like magic.

Kanji List And Meanings

Whoever you are, you can do it. I know it's a big endeavor, but you can learn kanji, and you can do it in (way) less than a decade. Many small actions will get you there, so take the first step right now. If you're having trouble doing that, or if you have any questions, you can always shoot us an email. We'll do our best to help you out.

Kanji Listening

Good luck!