Muslim Boy Names

  1. Muslim Boys Names With Meaning
  2. Modern Islamic Names For Boys
  3. Muslim Boy Names
  4. Muslim Boy Names That Sound American

The Holy Quran is the last and final book revealed by Allah سبحانه و تعالى on beloved Prophet Muhammad who was selected the preacher for all mankind. It’s also called Koran, Qur’an means recitation. According to hadith states, there have been 124,000 prophets from Adam علیہ السلام to Muhammad ﷺ and 313 are Messengers or Rasul. There are mentioned 25 Prophets names in The Quran Majeed.

Islamic Boys Names page is an ideal spot for individuals who need smart thoughts for reasonable Muslim boys' names. On this page, you can find the Muslim boys' names with their fortunate number, origin, meaning, and so on. Muslim Boys Names Categories: Following the top most categories for naming your Muslim baby boy. Other Muslim boy names are associated with important Muslim locations, like Mecca. This sacred city is a place of spiritual pilgrimage in the faith. Jordan, Arabia, and Antioch also give your little one a beautiful location association, possibly to explore someday on his own. Muslim boy names may contain a link to their faith in meaning, like. 7269 Islamic/Muslim Boys Names with Meanings, Most modern Arabic list of unique baby names with reference from Quran. Arabic pronunciation in English, Urdu, Hindi, Bangla. The names which Allah Almighty loves most are ‘Abdullah and ‘Abdu’r-Rahman. The most truthful names are Harith and Humam. The ugliest names are Harb and Murra.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 814) The names most detested is Malikil-Amlak (king of kings) as this name is reserved for Allah alone (Sahih Tirmidhi Hadith 2837). The ultimate A-Z list of Muslim boy names, complete with name meanings and origins for all Muslim baby boy names.

Direct Quranic Boys Names: Are you in search of direct Quranic names for baby boy or 55 names of holy Quran in Arabic to select the most popular and unique names in Quran Pak? We’ve at Getnames arranged a wide bundles of Islamic boy names, direct Quranic names and indirect Quranic names that have been derived from Arabic roots. Pick your favorite Islamic baby names for boys with meanings.

How To Choose A Beautiful Islamic Name For Newborn Baby And What About Aqiqah عقيقة

Selecting a meaningful name for newborn baby boy in Islamic has have first priority to take care in choosing the name with a positive spiritual and regal Islamic meaning. Giving a cute Arabic names after seven days of boy birth is called Aqiqahعقيقةthat means sacrificing 2 sheep according to Sunnah Mu’akkadah. This blog has a list of Quranic names for boy starting with “F” and English meanings.



51: Fardun

Fardun is an Arabic name for boys that means “unique”, “peerless”, “singular”.

52: Fareed

Fareed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “unique”, “unparalleled”, “peerless”. It is derived from the F-R-D root (“single”, “alone”, opposite of “plural”).

53: Fareeq

Fareeq is an Arabic name for boys that means “group”, “band”, “crew”. It is also a high officer rank in the military, usually synonymous with “lieutenant general” in English.

54: Farhaat

Farhaat is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “happy event”, “joyous time”. It is derived from the F-R-H6 root which is used in many places in the Quran.

55: Farhan


Farhan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyous”, “rejoicing”. It is derived from the F-R-H6 root which is used in many places in the Quran.

56: Farhatullah

Farhatullah is an Arabic name for boys that means “happiness that comes from God”, “joy from God”.

57: Farheen

Farheen is an Urdu name for boys and girls that means “happy”, “joyous”, “jubilant”. It is derived from the F-R-H6 (“happiness”, “joy”) Arabic root.

58: Farhi

Farhi is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyous”, “content”.

59: Farhiyyan

Farhiyyan is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “content”.

60: Farih

Farih is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “full of joy”.

61: Farmanullah

Farmanullah is an Persian-Arabic name for boys that means “God’s command”, “God’s commandment”, from the Persian word Farman (“command”) and the Arabic word Allah (“God”).

62: Farood

Farood is an Arabic name for boys that means “unique”, “peerless”, “singular”.

63: Farrad

Farrad is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who has his own way of thinking”, “one who has unique opinions”. It also means “jeweler”, a person who sells jewelry.

64: Farraj

Farraj is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyous”, “jubilant”.

65: Farrajuddin

Farrajuddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who is cause for the removal of sadness/worry from the faith”, a person whose work and achievements bring joy to the Muslims.

66: Farrooh

Farrooh is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyful”.

67: Faruq

Faruq is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “able to differentiate between truth and falsehood”. It is the nickname of Umar ibn al-Khattab, who was a close companion of the Prophet (PBUH).

68: Farwa

Farwa is an indirect Quranic name for girls and less commonly for boys (though originally it was more common for males in Arab cultures) that means “crown”, “wealth”.

69: Farwan

Farwan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “wealthy”, “living in abundance”. It is derived from the F-R-A (“to create”, “to invent”, “fur”, “covering”).

70: Faseeh

Faseeh is an Arabic name for boys that means “fluent”, “eloquent”.

71: Fath

Fath is an Arabic name for boys that means “guidance”. It also means “beginning”. It also means “conquest”. Note that the “t” and the “h” are pronounced separately, they do not form a sound together.

72: Fathan

Fathan is an Arabic name for boys that means “guide”. It also means “conqueror”.

73: Fathi

Fathi is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who guides others”, “one who begins”.

74: Fathuddin

Fathuddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “guidance of the faith”, “beginning of the faith”, “conquest of the faith”, meaning someone who is a supporter of Islam and who guides others.

75: Fathullah

Common muslim boy names

Fathullah is an Arabic name for boys that means “God’s guidance”, “God’s help and support”.

76: Fatih

Fatih is an Arabic name for boys that means “conqueror”, “initiator”, “originator”. It is the title of Sultan Muhammad, the Ottoman ruler who conquered Constantinople and ended the Eastern Roman.

77: Fatihi

Fatihi is an Arabic name for boys that means “conqueror”, “originator”. It is the attributive form of Fatih.

78: Fatooh

Fatooh is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who guides others”. It also means “one who conquers”, “one who triumphs”.

79: Fattah

Fattah is an Arabic name for boys that means “conqueror”, “victor”. It is also one of the names of God meaning “the one who opens the doors of mercy to His servants”.

80: Fauz

Fauz is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “victory”, “triumph”. It is used 19 times in the Quran. Indeed, this is the great victory. (Quran 37:60).

81: Fawaz

Fawaz is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “winner”, “successful”. It is derived from the F-W-Z (“to win”, “to be successful”) root which is used in many places in the Quran.

82: Fawiz

Fawiz is an Arabic name for boys that means “successful”, “winner”.

83: Fawzan

Fawzan is an indirect Quranic name that means great triumph, great success. It is made up of the word Fawz, which means triumph and success.

84: Fayek

Fayek is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means extraordinary, sublime, excellent. It is derived from the F-W-Q root (to be better, above, over, superior).

85: Fayid

Fayid is an Arabic name for boys that means “winner”, “benefiter”.

86: Fayyaz

Fayyaz is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “constant doer of good deeds”, “giver of great charity”. It is derived fro the F-Y-DHAD- Quranic root.


Muslim Boys Names With Meaning

87: Fazeel

Fazeel is an Arabic name for boys that means “excellent”, “praiseworthy”, “generous”.

88: Fazil

Fazil is an Arabic name for boys that means “excellent”, “generous”, “praiseworthy”, “righteous”, “superior”, “virtuous”. It is derived from the F-DHAD-L Quranic root.

89: Fazl

Fazl is an Arabic name for boys that means “courtesy”, “noble deed”, “superiority”. It is a word that is used 84 times in the Quran. He singles out for His grace whom He wills.

90: Fazli

Fazli is an Arabic name for boys that means “excellent”, “praiseworthy”, “generous”.

91: Fazluddin

Fazluddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “excellence of the faith”, “superiority of the faith”, meaning the person named such is a righteous person.

92: Fazlullah

Fazlullah is an Arabic name for boys that means “God’s bounty”, “God’s excellence”, “God’s generosity”, meaning that the person named such is a gift from God.

93: Fazlurrahman

Fazlurrahman is an Arabic name for boys that means “God’s bounty”, “God’s excellence”, “God’s generosity”, meaning that the person named such is a gift from God.

94: Ferasat

Ferasat is a Persian and Urdu name for boys that means “keenness”, “acumen”, “vision”, “foresight and wisdom in planning”.

95: Fikr

Fikr is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “thought”, “concept”, “conception”, “intellect”, “mind”.

96: Fikrat

Fikrat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Fikrah which means “thought”, “conception”, “idea”. It is used for both boys and girls.

97: Fikri

Fikri is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “thoughtful”, “perceptive”, “intelligent”.

Modern Islamic Names For Boys

98: Firtan

Muslim Boy Names

Firtan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “water that is extremely fresh and refreshing to drink”.

99: Firwad

Muslim Boy Names That Sound American

Firwad is an Arabic name for boys that means “independent-minded”, “unique in his opinions”.

100: Fizzi

Fizzi is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “silvery”, “made of silver”, “colored like silver”.