Adam Engst’s aforelinked piece on iCloud Photo Library problems reminded me of this piece I wrote two years ago, that might still be of use to anyone who encounters this bug:
Mac Unable To Write To Iphoto Library Files
I’ll offer a small personal anecdote. Overall I’ve had greatsuccess with iCloud Photo Library. I’ve got over 18,000 photos andalmost 400 videos. And I’ve got a slew of devices — iPhones,iPads, and Macs — all using the same iCloud account. And thosephotos are available from all those devices. Except, a few weeksago, I noticed that on my primary Mac, in Photos, at the bottom ofthe main “Photos” view, where it tells you exactly how many photosand videos you have, it said “Unable to Upload 5 Items”.Restarting didn’t fix it. Waiting didn’t fix it. And clicking onit didn’t do anything — I wanted to know which five itemscouldn’t be uploaded, and why. It seems to me that anybody in thissituation would want to know those two things. But damned ifPhotos would tell me.
Eventually, I found this support thread which suggested asolution: you can create a Smart Group in Photos using “Unable toupload to iCloud Photo Library” as the matching condition. Bingo:five items showed up. (Two of them were videos for which theoriginal files couldn’t be found; three of them were duplicates ofphotos that were already in my library.)
Select the iPhoto library you would like to restore, and click the Restore button. IPhoto may prompt you to repair your library if there are some inconsistencies in your files. If so, please allow it to proceed by clicking the Repair button. If you notice blank thumbnails, reopen iPhoto while holding down the Command and Option keys.
Unable to write to library iPhoto library, iPhoto is on my Macbook air, Tried to go into Disk utility and option - Answered by a verified Mac Support Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. He knows he can navigate to a photos library—an OS X package that can be opened—and find media inside there. But he wants to be able to select images as they appear in Photos or iPhoto. Copy the library to an external drive with sufficient free storage and set it as the primary Photos library, then enable iCloud Photo Library, and, after syncing, copy it back to the main drive. If you try to open an iPhoto or Aperture library after you've converted it to a Photos library, you'll see a message that Photos 'Cannot open migrated library.' Click Open Photos to view the library in the Photos app. Or you can open the original library in iPhoto 9.6.1 or Aperture 3.6.
Mac Unable To Write To Iphoto Library
I haven’t run into this problem again and am now up to 25,000 photos and just under 900 videos.
Convert Iphoto Library To Photos
★ Friday, 26 January 2018